My name is Jeff Stack and I run a small custom sailboat service company out of Chicago (Chicago Marine Group LLC). My company takes on the projects that many of the boat yards do not want to tackle; cutlass bearings, installing davits, re-power & gen-set installs, spin poles and custom rigging, B&G and Raymarine electronic installs, etc. Custom work on the nicer boats – Dehler, Tartan, Oyster – premium brand boats with customers who demand perfection.
I was recently asked to install a Tides Marine Sail Track system on a Dehler 39 and called Dennis Cox to set up and place the order. It has been a few years since my company purchased anything from Tides, I had no idea what my customer number was – who last I talked to – or what my pricing structure was. No worry, I had the blue plastic disks & had taken measurements for my own boat some years prior and had a general lay of the land of what I needed to do. Dennis took the time to tell me about the requirements of measurement, and walked me through a couple of install tips.
Dennis stands out as someone who really cares about customer service & provided me with an experience that is often not found nowadays. I really appreciate having a contact at Tide’s Marine who is an expert & I am confident that any question (even if it is a dumb one) will be answered with professionalism and patience
Thank you for the opportunity to interface with a great person – I look forward to beating the Tides Marine Sail Track drum and installing these units whenever a customer is up to improving their standing rigging. You can count on me calling Dennis Cox directly, he is my go-to guy.
I have attached a couple of pictures of the Sail Track on my personal sailboat & hope to use it as a platform to demo your fantastic product. I promise to follow up with pictures of the completed Dehler 39 project very soon.
Jeff Stack