Dear Sirs,
On December 31st 2003 while navigating the Florida Keys, I discovered that due to the boat builder’s improper installation of the water cooling system, your dripless seals were forced to operate at high speed and for an extended period of time without any form of cooling or lubrication.
Following this event, I would like to report and congratulate you for the following: Your seals did operate at high speed for an extended period of time totaling at least 15 hours of which, 2 periods of 4 hours each of continuous operation without any form of cooling. In spite of this, and in spite of the seals being badly damaged, there was no significant amount of leakage from either of the 2 seals.
Your customer support was readily available and promptly responded on New Years Eve! The promptness and competency of your customer support exceeded any expectation.
As a vessel owner, I feel that your company should receive the recognition it well deserves.
Yours truly,
Raul N.